Edit Update: It appears I update here SO infrequently, that even I don't remember what I've posted about. Apparently, blog #98 has details on my Stargrave figures. But hey, these are all new photos, so it warrants a whole new blog post. I guess.
Ah, my sadly neglected blog. Well, I guess I better throw a few bones to the hungry masses clamoring for more content.
What's that? No one reads this because I never post anything new? How dare you blame the person responsible!
Anyway, with that silliness out of the way, here are some pictures of 28mm miniatures I've painted recently. (And by "recently" I mean sometime in 2023.)
First up are some Stargrave Crew miniatures, although I actually bought them to use in Space Station Zero. This link is from North Star, but I think I got mine through Wal-Mart.com. The box makes 20 figures, but I only built 10; 5 for my SSZ Explorer team and 5 for my son's Pirate team.
From L to R: my Commander, Medical Officer, Ace Pilot, Soldier and Chief Engineer. I went with a blue color scheme. |
I added lots of add-ons that are in the kit. |
This is my son's team. From L to R: Commander, Soldier, Engineer, Ace Pilot and Medical Officer. I gave them a green color scheme. According to him, his Soldier and my Commander are brothers. |
He wanted lots of bits added, too. Fortunately, he wasn't picky about much else. |
One thing he wanted in particular was some sort of insignia on their left shoulder. He drew out what he wanted and told me what color to make it, and I did my best. You'll have to click on the image to make it larger to see it, though. |
Next up are some Pulp Figures 28mm miniatures that I've had lying around for a long time. These weren't for any particular game that I have in mind, but they were a good "different" thing to paint after lots of plastic sci-fi. But I was also in a bit of a hurry, as I sometimes feel the need to "get-it-done," so these are actually a bit plain. I was going more for rich colors than I was for adding intricate details and paint-y bits. "It is what it is."  |
These are "Evil Hooded Minions 1." I went with a deep rich purple, as Purple Hooded Minions just has a nice ring to it. The little round ball at the end of the pistol is, I think, a blob leftover from molding, but I thought it looked kind of cool. Is the gun firing? Is it a ray gun only the zombies have? Who knows! |
Purple is a difficult color to do well, for me, anyhow. |
These are "Evil Hooded Minions 2." I did not paint whatever-it-is-they-call-it when a lantern casts it's light on the miniature. I'm not that good, and I really don't care. |
I painted all of their pants' legs a business-suit grey, because it totally fits with my idea of Corporate Suits Worshiping Great Evil. They do that anyway, right? |
But not all Great Evil is the same, and some Corporate Suits want to worship some other, alternative Great Evil. So that's this group, "Cowled Cultists 1." I wanted a menacing color scheme (that wasn't purple), so I went with a deep, rich, blood red. |
Deep, rich, blood red is also a difficult color to do well. I tried my best. |
The blood red cult has got a better idea of things, in my opinion, 'cause if I'm going to join a Great Evil Worshiping Cult, I'll probably join the one with the hot women in it. These figures are "Cowled Cultists #2." |
Obligatory action shot: the two opposing factions meet! |
Here's a look at what this Cultist is reading. Careful, or you'll go mad! |
Anyway, that's it for the moment. I do have a few more new things but they'll have to wait until next time, the big 100 post. Feels like it needs something special....
Thanks for reading!